Three Rules on Picking the Perfect Bridesmaid Dress
Every woman loves to be a bridesmaid, however very few of them like being pushed into wearing and often times purchasing an unflattering dress. Your bridesmaids should be excited about their wedding wear on your big day, and with Gold Leaf’s quick and easy tips on bridesmaids’ dresses, we can help guide you to picking the perfect dress for your best buds! Here three rules on picking the perfect bridesmaid dress:1). First off, it’s always crucial to keep in mind your bridesmaids’ body types and color pallets. Not all dresses compliment every body type. Not to worry though, there are several cuts to choose from such as the long elegant dress, the short and sassy number, a strapless beauty or a more conservative look, just to name a few.
2) If one dress cannot be decided on for all of the girls, due to different body types or tastes, there’s always the option to mix and match! Some women can sport a long, flowing dress whilst others compliment short and flirty ones. Some girls may prefer strapless while others want the extra support. All of these are visually pleasing as long as you are consistent with a color palette and theme. Let them choose what makes them more comfortable.
3) How do you pick a eye appealing palette and theme? It’s important to choose a color palette that is prominent in your wedding. Do not feel limited to one color. You can have multiple shades of the same color or a combination of ombréd colors. Mismatched patterns within the same color pallet work as well! This is a unique way to set your wedding attire apart from others.
There are endless ways to deck out your bridesmaids in stylish dresses. The key is to keep consistency throughout all of them. And, of course, to enure they don’t upstage the bride!
Note: Make sure to be sensitive to your bridal party’s finances when it comes to picking a dress. If there are a few different styles the ladies can choose from, having a lower budget dress in the mix is ideal!